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Danielle Lim is an award-winning author whose latest novel, All Our Brave, Earthly Scars, has been published in 2022. Her short story collection, And Softly Go the Crossings, won the Book of the Year as well as Best Literary Work in the Singapore Book Awards 2021. Her novel, Trafalgar Sunrise, was shortlisted for Best Literary Work in the Singapore Book Awards 2019. Her memoir, The Sound of SCH: A Mental Breakdown, a Life Journey, won the Singapore Literature Prize 2016 (non-fiction), and has been translated to Chinese and Tamil, published in Taiwan and India.
The Publishers Weekly (US) listed Danielle as one of Singapore’s top writers in 2016. Her works have been featured in The Straits Times, BiblioAsia, on radio 938Now and ABC Radio Australia, in The West Australian and other publications. She has been invited to speak at international events such as the Singapore Writers Festival, the Kimberley Writers Festival, and the George Town Literary Festival.
Danielle is an alumna of the University of Oxford and resides in Singapore, where she is a lecturer.