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Rudolf Beger is a German national, is a former chairman of trend-setting conferences at Management Centre Europe (Brussels) and Zentrum für Unternehmensführung (Zurich) and a speaker at industry conferences (Financial Times, UK Celebrity Speakers, pp). Rudolf wrote standard-setting books on corporate communication (in German (Gabler Verlag, 1989), and in English: Present-Day Corporate Communication, www.springer.com, 2018); he is also the author of a romantic novel entitled Dreisam, published by Fouquet’s Literatur-Verlag (out of business), 2003 (currently translated into English for publication). In 2020, Rudolf will complete a highly topical 450-pages political thriller entitled The Lobbyist on the automotive industry (for publication). Rudolf wrote numerous articles, papers and White Papers on EU industrial policy, and was a writer for German antique magazines. His artistic works were shown in ca. 40 solo- and group exhibitions all over the world. In 2011, he won the 1st Prize for his artistic work by the Monaco State Ministry/UNESCO.