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Ta Duy Anh (1959- ) is unarguably a famous contemporary realist author in Vietnam. He graduated with the highest distinction from the Nguyen Du School of Creative Writing. Ta is a Vietnam Writers’ Association member and served as editor for the Vietnam Writers’ Association Publishing House until he retired in 2020. Ta, a prolific writer, has published across numerous literary genres and won numerous awards for his works in Vietnam. His novel Lão kh? (The Miserable Mr. Kh?) has been translated into French and published in France under the title Sur le dos du baffle (La Frémillerie, 2017), while some of his short stories have been translated into English, French, and German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Thai. Despite his well-established career as a writer and an editor, some of his works were and have been censored due to political reasons in communist Vietnam. His novel Ði tìm nhân v?t (Looking for a Character) was banned in 2002 as the government condemned it for ‘portraying a dark, negative picture of society.’ Only fifteen years later was the book reassessed and approved for dissemination. Many of his short stories have also been censored. His novel Sinh ra d? ch?t (Born to Die) is permanently banned in Vietnam but was released in the US in 2018. His newest novel, Ð?t m? côi (The Orphaned Land, 2020), is being translated into English and will be published in Europe.